Statistical Yearbook of Mazowieckie Voivodship 2022

Date of publication: | 30.12.2022 |
Frequency of publication: | Annual edition |
The Statistical Office in Warszawa presents the twenty-third edition of the “Statistical Yearbook of Mazowieckie Voivodship”. The publication contains a rich set of information characterising the standard of living of the society and the state of the economy of the Voivodship. The current edition of the Yearbook presents the results of the National Population and Housing Census 2021 in terms of the size and structure of the population, dwellings stocks and economic activity of the population. The final data of the Agricultural Census 2020 have also been published. Data from regional accounts for 2018 and 2019 have been revised in relation to previously published, following the revision made in annual national accounts. The publication is enriched with an annex presenting the Delimitation of Rural Areas (DOW) for statistical purposes developed by the Statistics Poland. Its purpose is to ensure a uniform presentation of the results of statistical research on rural areas, taking into account their diversity. Detailed statistical data are grouped into 21 thematic chapters. The study is supplemented by two review tables with the most important data on the Voivodship in 2000, 2010, 2015 and 2021, as well as selected information on the Voivodship against the background of the country in 2021. The statistical material contains general comments with explanations regarding the terminology, methodology and scope of information. The scope and arrangement of the presented information takes into account the changes in the methodology introduced in the statistical surveys. The most important changes concern information from the Labour Force Survey, which was developed in accordance with the new rules for determining the main categories of persons on the labour market, and data on certain medical professions, published from this year on the basis of administrative sources. The scope of information on agriculture has been limited; from 2021, the data is presented without division into ownership forms. The results of statistical surveys of official statistics as well as non-statistical sources were used in the development of individual chapters. Evaluate the study: |