Statistics of gminas and powiats of the Mazowieckie voivodship in 2010 and 2017

Date of publication: | 19.03.2019 |
Frequency of publication: | Annual edition |
Social and economic changes on the local scale and the strengthening of the role of local government have an impact on the increase in the demand for broadly understood statistical information about gminas and powiats. In order to meet the needs of local government authorities, the Statistical Office in Warszawa prepared the thirteenth edition of the publication entitled "Statistics of gminas and powiats of the Mazowieckie voivodship in 2010 and 2017". It complements the publications of the Statistics Poland and the Office describing the diversity of selected elements of the socio-economic potential of gminas and powiats of the Mazowieckie voivodship against the background of the country. The basic part of the study is "Statistical data", which contains detailed information in territorial cross-sections on the environment, size and structure of the population, local labour markets, selected elements of social and technical infrastructure, entities of the national economy as well as powiat and gmina budgets. A number of categories were presented using indicators in addition to absolute numbers. [Descriptions of the statistical measures used are available in the section "Definitions of indicators".] Data on population and demographic indicators, as well as calculations per capita (1000 population, etc.) were developed taking into account the results of the National Population and Housing Census 2011. This publication was prepared on the basis of selected data contained in the Local Data Bank. Data were presented according to the division into regions (NUTS 2) and subregions (NUTS 3) in force from 1 January 2018 and in an additional cross-section - for gminas forming the Warsaw Functional Area (WOF). In order to better visualize the spatial differences in the development of some phenomena, interactive maps were used. In order to show the powiat's position in the voivodship, the ranking of powiats was included. |