Housing construction in mazowieckie voivodship in 2015

The source of information was as following:
– with regard to buildings and dwellings completed — a report on completed residential buildings and dwellings in non–residential buildings (form B–07),
– with regard to dwellings which construction has begun — a report on residential construction (form B–06),
– with regard to dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project — a report on building permits and registrations with a construction project granted for construction of buildings (form B–05).
The division of buildings into residential and non–residential was made according to Polish Classification of Types of Construction.
Information on a voivodship and powiats and on the division into urban and rural areas was presented according to territorial divisions in a given period. Data with regard to subregions are presented in the territorial division valid as of 1.01.2015 which was introduced in the decree of the Council of Ministers dated 3.12.2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1992).
Divisions on the maps were established on the basis of a so–called three means method, i.e. four groups were established on the basis of an average value of the indicator for a voivodship, an average value for powiats with the indicator lower than for the voivodship and an average value for powiats with the indicator higher than for the voivodship.