Warszawski stołeczny region in 2022

Date of publication: | 22.12.2023 |
Frequency of publication: | Annual edition |
The Metropolitan Area of Warsaw, due to the functional connections between the territorial units that are part of it, is treated as an integrated organism of social and economic changes taking place in it. The Development Strategy of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area until 2030 defines the area as “an inspiring, energetic European development centre, where high quality of life and excellent business conditions are harmoniously combined, based on the creativity of residents, potential for cooperation and new technologies”. At the same time, due to the high importance of functional integration of areas and activities undertaken for their development, this publication also presents indicators for the Warsaw Functional Area, which includes gminas in which the Integrated Territorial Investments instrument is implemented. By presenting you the next edition of the publication, we hope that it will continue to be a source of interesting and useful information for all those who carry out the tasks of long-term development strategies. This year’s edition has been enriched with indicators and data on the revitalisation of areas where negative phenomena are particularly concentrated and which are important for the development of the gmina. The aim of revitalisation is to bring back to life a degraded part of the city/gmina and supplement it with new functions. In order to supplement the information, in the part regarding the labour market, indicators from the labour force survey regarding the level of economic activity of the population were added. During the development of individual chapters, the results of official statistics and data of the Marshal’s Office of Mazowieckie Voivodship in Warsaw in the field of geodesic area and directions of use were used. Evaluate the study: |