Children in Mazowieckie voivodship in 2016

Date of publication: | 30.05.2018 |
Frequency of publication: | Edited every 2-3 years |
Care for children’s wellbeing, guaranteeing them attention and possibility of development of their abilities take an important part in the action programmes of various social and political organizations. They are also the subject of interest of the most respected international bodies. Public statistics also includes problems of children and youth in the conducted surveys. The Statistical Office in Warsaw has prepared next edition of the publication “Children in Mazowieckie voivodship” using data coming from statistical surveys as well as from administrative sources. The information presented in 6 sections concern: demographic phenomena, child’s place in and outside a family, situation of families with dependent children, social care, health and medical care, education, culture and leisure, health and life hazards, as well as changes in the number, structure of children and youth, projected until 2050. The publication concerns in principle data on the years 2012–2016, however in some cases shorter period or selected years are presented, which is due to methodological reasons. For more precise description of some phenomena, selected data from population censuses since 1970 have been used. Evaluate the study: |