Agriculture of Mazowieckie Voivodship compared to the country and other voivodships in 2022

Date of publication: | 31.10.2023 |
Frequency of publication: | Annual edition |
This publication was prepared by the Statistical Office in Warszawa in order to present the current state of agriculture in Mazowieckie Voivodship and the image of the Masovian countryside compared to Poland and other voivodships. The study contains synthetic information from selected areas of agriculture and shows the conditions in which agricultural output develops, thus presenting the nature of the transformation of rural areas in Mazowickie Voivodship. The publication presents among others: the condition and demographic structure of rural inhabitans, the number of holdings, land use, fertilization, livestock density and the procurement and prices of agrocultural products. Information on the number of holdings, land use and fertilization was prepared based on the results of the Agricultural Census 2020. The publication presents the Delimitation of Rural Areas (DOW) developed by the Statistics Poland. Its purpose is to ensure a uniform presentation of the results of statistical research on rural areas, taking into account their diversity. Evaluate the study: |