THE AGRICULTURAL CENSUS 2010. Agriculture in urban areas in mazowieckie voivodship

Date of publication: | 06.05.2013 |
Selected information gathered in the census was used to present characteristics of active natural person’s holdings with a headquarter in towns and their share in a whole group of natural person’s holdings in the voivodship. In the analytical part, the above mentioned holdings were characterized among others according to their area size, structure of land use, selected crops and selected farm animal species, purpose of production, direct sales to consumers, main sources of income of a household with a holder of an agricultural holding, economic potential. All data were presented according to adopted towns size groups in which a headquarter was located. Moreover, a summary of this part comprises a comparison of selected indicators characterizing agriculture in towns with appropriate data for total number of natural person’s holdings in the voivodship and a ranking of towns within the scope of reviewed indicators. The main part of the publication precedes a description of basic rules, definitions and concepts binding in the census and groupings of data applied in the publication. |