Population | (30 VI 2024) | 1862402 | ↑ |
Average employment | (I 2025) | 1122445 | ↓ |
Unemployment | (I 2025) | 19139 | ↑ |
Unemployment rate | (I 2025) | 1,4% | ↓ |
Average salary | (I 2025) | 10177,01 zł | ↑ |
Dwellings completed | (I 2025) | 1242 | ↑ |
Entities | (I 2025) | 579014 | ↑ |
↑ The value of the phenomena has increased over the corresponding period of the previous year
↓ The value of the phenomena has decreased over the corresponding period of the previous year
– The value of the phenomena has not changed
☐ Green means the change is positive
☐ Red means the change is negative
The names of phenomena have been abbreviated. The summary of abbreviations and full names is as follows:
- average employment - average employment in the enterprise sector,
- unemployment - registered unemployed persons (as of the end of the month),
- unemployment rate - registered unemployment rate (as of the end of the month),
- average salary - average salary in the enterpris sector,
- entities - entities of the national economy in the REGON register (as of the end of the month).
More information on terms used in official statistics can be found at the CSO website.